“Priority Spine Review” – Get an Expert Review by Neurosurgeon Jeffrey J. Larson, MD 

“I enjoy my patient encounters via social media. It’s been rewarding to help people from anywhere. Patients want answers, and they are not getting them via the traditional health care system. “Priority Spine Review” brings the formality of an in-person consultation to anybody around the world in an efficient telehealth format. I think the world is ready”. –Jeffrey Larson, MD.”

“Priority Spine Review” is HIPAA compliant, and efficient opportunity for you to get an expert opinion from Dr. Larson regarding your clinical question.

Here’s how “Priority Spine Review” works – 

  1. Request a Telehealth Consent form HERE (a consent will be emailed to you by Docusign).
  2. Once you complete the Telehealth Consent Form, request a “Priority Spine Review Intake Form” HERE (a client intake form will be sent to you by Docusign).
  3. Complete the “Priority Spine Review Intake Form” to describe your condition and ask Dr. Larson your question. Load your radiographic and MRI images and any pertinent reports related to your question that you would like Dr. Larson to review via the “Client Intake Form”.
  4. The Priority Spine Review introductory cost is $50.  This nominal fee gets you Dr. Larson’s personal review and response. This is your opportunity to communicate with Dr. Larson to get his opinion regarding your question.  *The fee will be donated to a local food bank and a local animal shelter.
  5. Dr. Larson will respond to you in most cases in 24-72 hours (barring travel and work restraints).
  6. *The $50 fee is specific to a single Priority Spine Review and is not inclusive of any further encounters or communications, telehealth or other, with Dr. Larson or CDA  Spine. The $50 fee is non-refundable once submitted regardless of your satisfaction with the encounter.
  7. *This review with Dr. Larson reflects his opinion based on the information you  provided and does not constitute a formal consultation. It is not intended to  replace a formal medical consultation.

“I have provided spine care solutions to my community for more than 20 years. I hope Priority Spine Review extends my community to a global presence.” – Jeffrey Larson, MD 

*You may arrange a full and formal Telehealth or in-person consultation with Dr. Larson instead of a Priority Spine Review, by contacting the CDA Spine Patient Coordinator at  (208) 765-9100 ext. 1 or email mpfaff@cdaspine.com

Warm regards, 

Jeffrey Larson, MD – “The mind that diagnoses you, and the hands that heal you”