Join us for a Linkedin live “Why Fat” event on January 18th at 5:30pm PST with Dr. Jeffrey Larson.

Jeffrey Larson, M.D. is a Board-Certified Neurosurgeon specializing in minimally invasive spine surgery and regenerative medicine.

Dr. Larson has embraced regenerative medicine technologies and now uses fat based autologous stem cell and biologic injections in his outpatient clinic to treat patients with a variety of musculoskeletal conditions including arthritis, back pain, and joint pain. Meet Dr. Larson and learn more about “Why Fat” at this LinkedIn Live event.

“I have been using regenerative medicine techniques including autologous stem cells from bone marrow aspirate (BMA) in surgical cases for decades.  Modern autologous harvesting techniques now allow for stem cells and other biologics to be recovered from your fat as well as your bone marrow.  Fat contains a type of stem cell called adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs).  Adipose-derived stem cells have the potential to differentiate into a variety of different cell types, making them attractive for regenerative medicine techniques.   Fat is readily available and generally painless to harvest making adipose-derived stem cells feasible for outpatient clinic use.” – Dr. Larson