Author Archives: CDASpine

The Importance of Clinical Correlation to treat an injured Tall Spine.

Disc injury and subsequent degenerative disc disease is life changing, often leading to chronic low back pain and disability. Advanced treatment techniques for low back pain now include both cellular and surgical options to intervene earlier in the degenerative disc cascade. If disc degeneration is allowed to progress unchecked over time, then back pain and […]

Buyer Beware – Gimmick vs. Reality

Gimmick – nounA trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business. “It is not so much a program to improve services as a gimmick to gain votes”Similar:publicity devicestuntcontrivanceeye-catching noveltyschemetrick Reality –nounThe world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to as idealistic or notional idea of them. “He refuses […]

Cervical Spine Reanimation – Dr. Larson Navigates a New Frontier in Spine Surgery!

Humans are the only continuously biped creatures on earth. To maintain this biped stance and be able to stand upright and walk on 2 feet requires balance, posture, and coordination. There is a delicate intercommunication between the head, all parts of the spine, the pelvis, the hips, the knees, and the ankles and feet to […]

To Fuse or Not To Fuse

To Fuse or Not To Fuse The decision to fuse a spinal segment, let alone numerous segments, should never be taken lightly. Loss of motion from spinal fusion has a tremendous potential impact to a patient. How will a spinal fusion affect a tall spine? There are a couple of obvious possibilities. In the best […]